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Take the Challenge

April 7, 2020
Take the pledge

“Our parks and trails are more important than ever to our physical and mental well-being. To ensure these treasured outdoor spaces stay open, please take the #ParksPledge to keep parks and trails safe for everyone, and urge your family and friends to do the same. Take the pledge here.

I pledge to:
– Avoid crowded areas – if a park or trail is crowded, be ready to change plans. Also, steer clear of places people tend to congregate: parking lots, playgrounds, picnic areas, overlooks
– Practice social distancing – stay 6-feet away from individuals outside of immediate household members
– Stay local – recreate close to home and keep visits short

And, of course, if you’re not feeling well or have any COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home. “

Thanks for this Parks & Trails New York!

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