Tag Archives: water

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


According to the National Environmental Education Foundation “The average New York resident using 79 gallons per day in and around their home. If every New York resident reduced their shower duration by one minute, about 10 billion gallons of water would be saved every year—that’s enough water to fill more than 15,000 Olympic-sized pools!”
What’s your water footprint? Find out here.

Virtual “Woods Walk” Series

Challenge 6: Where does water go?

Don’t let the rain keep you inside! Head out and follow the water in your area. We love these prompts from the Schuylkill Center:
– Follow the path of rainwater from your roof, your doorstep, or the sidewalk in front of your house. Where does it lead?
– Is the water carrying anything with it? Where do you think these objects end up?
– Notice areas where the water puddles. Why do puddles form in some places but not others?
– If you follow the water to the end of your street, you might see it flow into a storm drain. Where do you think the water goes after that?

See more at: http://www.schuylkillcenter.org/…/children-need-nature-rai…/