Tag Archives: volunteer

A Message from the President

Terrence Boyle in Squirrel Costume
Terrence Boyle

Spring and “springtime” bring to mind three R’s: rebirth, renewal and regrowth. There are also the three R’s of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle….but let’s gets back to spring! The spring season is full of transformations. The temperature rises to a more bearable degree, and the trees once again bud into lush, green, picture-perfect plants. Aside from the weather’s transformation, Reinstein Woods also transforms as local nature lovers and area schools merge upon the woods to witness the amazing spring awakening. Just like Nature starting another season of new growth and beauty, people often want to try something a bit different from their usual activities.

If you’re at the point of shaking things up in a spring awakening, why not join a Friends committee? We have several active committees that are the lifeblood of our organization, including membership, finance, development, and events committees. Currently, our Events Committee could use a few more helpers. This committee meets bi-monthly to plan great events like Nature’s Gathering.  You can learn more and find meeting dates and contact info on our web page, or you can contact me at president@reinsteinwoods.org. If you aren’t up to joining a committee, we can always use members to help set up and work at Friends- sponsored events like Get Outdoors! Community Day.

In closing, I’m a firm believer in trying on “different hats.” You’ll never know how it fits if you don’t try it on!  In my years of volunteering at Reinstein Woods, I’ve worn many hats (most recently the squirrel hat in the photo) and none that I’ve regretted!

Enjoy and respect the outdoors and I hope to see you soon at Reinstein Woods.

-Terrence Boyle, President, Friends of Reinstein Woods

GMC, Other Awards Given at Volunteer Picnic

GMC, Other Awards Given at Volunteer Picnic
About 40 people enjoyed a beautiful summer evening at the annual volunteer picnic. Bill Boehm received the Al Schick Volunteer Appreciation Award for his outstanding service to Reinstein Woods. Bill has been volunteering with Reinstein Woods almost since the program began, serving in a variety of capacities, including greeter, board member, special events volunteer, and currently as our bottle and can recycler!

Stefanie Ecker received the Peter M. Losi Appreciation Award for her service to Friends of Reinstein Woods. Stefanie started as a Trail Tuesdays volunteer but quickly expanded her service to include serving on the Friends of Reinstein board of directors and chairing the fundraising committee. She is constantly inviting people to visit the woods and has been a great champion for Friends of Reinstein Woods.

In addition to these awards, members of Cub Scout Pack 592 were recognized for their first-place finish in the Garlic Mustard Challenge.  The Cub Scout Pack has participated in the Garlic Mustard Challenge every year since it was started here, coming in fourth two years ago, second place last year, and finally first place this year! We are grateful to these young men and their parents for their service.

Congratulations to all the award winners!

Tree Talk (A message from the President)

I’m trying to write this article as my wife and I volunteer at the Erie County Fair for Reinstein Woods. I’m not getting a lot done because so many people stop by our display and inquire about the “Woods.” I think most of the interest involves the ornate display created by Reinstein Woods Educator Ginger Wszalek which includes spinning CD “tops,” a water bottle recycle bin and the flowering water hoses.  There was a lot of interest shown by many of the fair goers.

My main purpose for this article is to ask for your help. A recent “MY View” article in the Buffalo News caused me to think about inviting Friends members to contribute a column to this newsletter. It could serve as a way to solicit thoughts and ideas from those who are members and want to be more engaged. Nature-related themes would be the main focus of the column. We will title the column “Tree Talk,” and if successful have an article appear in each edition of this newsletter. If many articles are submitted we could establish a screaming, I mean a screening, group to review. If you are interested in contributing, or have comments please let us know by emailing president@reinsteinwoods.org or by calling the office at 683 5959.

Thanks for your interest; we look forward to seeing you and your family this fall!!!!

– Michael Gettings, President