Tag Archives: spring peeper

Nature Sightings

These warm spring days have buds about to burst. Some of the early flowers such as coltsfoot and crocuses are blooming. Moss and lichen are very vibrant right now. Waterfowl migrants such as pied-billed grebes have returned. Watch them dive in search of crayfish, aquatic insects and fish. Canada geese have separated out into pairs and will soon be on their nests. Watch them stretch their long necks underwater in search of aquatic plants. The water lilies are just starting to break the surface in shallow waters. Remnants of beaver chewed sticks, with their bark removed, are afloat on lily pond. The chorus of spring peeper frogs can be heard especially at lily pond, tussock marsh, and secluded swamp. An occasional snore from a leopard frog can also be heard from secluded swamp. Painted turtles have crawled out onto floating logs to soak up the sunny warmth. Trees such as silver maple, pussy willow, and quaking aspen are starting to show their flowers. Soon trout lily and Mayapple shoots will dapple the forest floor. Ticks are very active right now, so please remember to enjoy nature from the trails.

painted turtle
pied billed grebe
lichen closeup
painted turtles
serviceberry buds
quaking aspen flowers
moss closeup
moss and lichen
March Forest