Tag Archives: songbird

Attract Orioles with Oranges

Baltimore Orioles (Icterus galbula) are an average sized songbird with a thick neck and long legs. Males are a brilliant orange and black with a white wingbar. They won’t get their bright colors until their second year. Females color is variable with a brownish to yellowish head and back and yellow tail. They have a long sharp pointed beak like other members of the blackbird family. Each Spring, Baltimore Orioles migrate north from Central America. They usually return to Western NY around the end of April and early May. Baltimore Orioles enjoy ripe fruit, nectar and insects. They also eat many pest species of insects such as tent caterpillars. Some people leave out orange slices or grape jelly to attract them to their backyard during their migration. They are common in open woodlands, forest edges, and along riverbanks. They build a remarkable hanging nest using the fibrous outer bark of plants in the milkweed family, grasses and grapevines. They frequently nest in maple and cottonwood trees. Their nest placement is generally high in a tree. Listen for the Baltimore Orioles Whistling flute-like song.

Created by Mike Adriaansen