Tag Archives: nodding beggarticks
Nature Sightings
Don’t let the peeping call of spring peepers fool you, it isn’t spring. Signs of autumn continue to creep in. The racks on white-tailed deer bucks are getting large and they will soon be rubbing off their velvet. An 8 point buck was spotted the other day, and fawns have lost their spots. The sounds of cicadas have ceased and the katydids songs at night will begin to slow as the evenings
get cooler. New England asters are flowering purple blossoms creating a vibrant display mixed in with the yellow of goldenrods. The fragrant pink water lilies that cover the Lily Pond are beginning to wither. Nodding
beggarticks and smartweed are flowering around the pond edges. Common milkweed seed pods are quite large and will soon release their fluffy seeds to the wind. Ash and black walnut leaves are beginning to yellow. Painted turtles line any logs in the ponds on sunny days. On sunny afternoons you may also notice autumn meadowhawk dragonflies in tandem laying eggs on these same wet logs. Be on the lookout for wooly bear caterpillars crossing the trails on your next hike. You may also hear red squirrels chattering while they gather black walnuts.