Tag Archives: member event

A message from the President

Hello Friends,


Well we finally made it to Spring only to get a quick transition into summer-like weather!  If you haven’t been to the woods lately, everything is greening up and wildlife has been busy foraging for food and building homes for their young.  You’ll also notice that DEC rebuilt the brick entry walkway to make it more accessible. A new kiosk for the entryway is in the works.


As a member of the Friend group, you may have received an email for our upcoming members-only events: a Fossil Hunt at Penn Dixie in Hamburg on Saturday, June 16 and a tour of Ganondagan State Historic Site in August.  Space is limited so call soon to reserve your spot!


 As spring began, many people donated to Friends of Reinstein as part of the United Way’s “Spring It On” online giving campaign, raising funds for inoculating ash trees affected by the Emerald Ash borer at Reinstein Woods.  As we celebrated Earth Day, even more people donated to our Earth Day Appeal, providing funds to support educational resources needed for our many programs.  I sincerely thank everyone for their generous donations and for being an important  part of keeping our woods as an educational resource!


Many of you know I have served on the Board of Directors for many years, and for me it’s how I give back to my community and see the results of what can be done with many hands.  We are always looking for new committee members to help with the many events we sponsor. Feel free to attend any board or committee meetings (dates are on our website) to get an idea of what we do – you’ll be surprised to find you may just fit right in!


Enjoy the Woods & Respect Nature,
Terrence Boyle, President