Tag Archives: Let’s Goat Buffalo

Goats Eat Invasives

Goats recently visited Reinstein Woods to help control an invasive plant. Reinstein Intern Nick Morelli prepared this video to explain why our furry friends were needed, and chatted with the goat’s owners to learn more. Click on the picture to view Goat Video.

Goats inside a fence in the woods
Click on the Picture to View Goat Video

Invasive Species Control Project Moves Forward

Goats inside a fence in the woodsAround the time that you receive this newsletter, some furry friends will be munching away at invasive Japanese knotweed plants on one of Reinstein Woods’ trails. Retired milking goats from Let’s Goat Buffalo will spend two weeks eating this plant, which grows in dense stands and crowds out native plants preferred by wildlife. During the day, the goats will graze inside an electrified fence. Their activity may result in some trail closures; please respect the “no trespassing” signs if you visit during this time. And watch for videos about their progress on our website and social media. While the goats will not eradicate the knotweed completely, their activity is a non-chemical way to limit the spread of this plant.

Funding for this program is provided by Friends of Reinstein Woods.