Tag Archives: Kids in the Woods camp

Super Summer Camps!

As I “meandered” through the woods at the beginning of summer, everything seemed fresher at Reinstein Woods. Maybe it was the fact that I was there right after a heavy summer rain, bringing my granddaughter, Hope, to summer camp.

Hope was excited to start the week long camp, her second year. As we approached the education center, near the deer exclosure, two bright-eyed fawns greeted us. Inside the center, Hope met the new staff, the other campers and her favorite camp director, Brittany.

I gave Hope a kiss when leaving and decided to check on the fawns. They were still there watching closely.

I decided to take a walk and was amazed to find the pink lilies still in bloom and very plentiful. A deer appeared from across the pond, spoke to me, and then leaped away. I traveled around the pond witnessing chipmunks, rabbits, small bunnies and baby chicks. I’m still learning bird sounds but there were many songs, including red winged black birds, woodpeckers and cardinals. I startled several squirrels and painted turtles; the deer returned, bringing her fawn this time.

I really enjoy talking to the young school kids on nature tours at Reinstein Woods but sometimes I miss the quiet solitude of an early morning walk by myself. I headed back to the center when I almost collided with a deer at an intersection (thankfully no one was hurt).

Before summer is gone and we start toward winter, I recommend a visit to Reinstein Woods! Although every season has something to offer, this time of year always seems more exciting.

Thanks to all the summer camp staff, all the “campers” had a great week, even some of the parents and grandparents. Keep up the good work!!!!!

Share in Nature’s Harmony

Mike Gettings, President
Friends of Reinstein Woods