Tag Archives: green darner

Nature Sightings at Reinstein Woods

Spotted SalamanderThe ice and snow have melted at Reinstein Woods, and signs of spring are all around. Quaking aspen and red maples are beginning to flower. Spotted salamanders (pictured) have made their way to woodland pools to lay their eggs. A chorus of spring peepers, chorus frogs, and leopard frogs can be heard along pond edges as you walk through the preserve. Wildflowers are beginning to sprout and soon the forest floor will be green with life. Trout lilies are showing their mottled green leaves. A patch of bloodroot is already flowering, but most of their blossoms remain wrapped in their leafy cloak. Mourning cloak butterflies are seen perched on sunlit logs and leaves on the ground. Green Darner dragonflies have completed their journey north. On warm, sunny days they lay their eggs in ponds at Reinstein Woods.

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