Tag Archives: Gloria J. Parks Community Center

Garden Partnership Blooms!

We’re all familiar with kids not wanting to eat their vegetables, but how many kids have no idea where vegetables even come from? Thanks to a new partnership, kids at the Gloria J. Parks (GJP) Community Center in Buffalo will not only know, but they’ll be growing their own vegetables! DEC’s Ginger Wszalek worked with Friends of Reinstein Woods and the community center to partner with Grassroots Gardens of Buffalo. Grassroots Gardens is providing funds for rooftop gardens at the community center.

During the school year, DEC ran an After School Conservation Club for kids participating in GJP’s after-school program. To build on the nature programming they received, Wszalek, along with volunteer Pat Taeger, helped the second graders plant vegetables, herbs, fruit and flowers in containers while the rooftop was being renovated. They taught the students “companion planting” techniques to help each plant grow stronger and tastier. Summer session attendees also enjoyed gardening, worm composting and garden art programs. Along the way, the children learned the life cycles of the plants and participated in basic garden maintenance.

The children especially enjoyed making recycled plant markers from blind shades to identify the plants in the pots. As of mid-August, the children had been able to to taste edible flowers and experience the joy of eating fresh blueberries and kale. Soon they will be enjoying cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, spinach, celery, strawberries and fresh-cut herbs. The center also provides cooking classes to the children, and they are eager to use the vegetables and herbs in their dishes.

Additional garden beds and vertical garden beds will be built on the rooftop soon for next year.