Tag Archives: Get Outdoors!

Get Outdoors! Community Day

More than 500 visitors joined in the fun at Get Outdoors! Community Day, part of the statewide Outdoors Day events.  Visitors enjoyed learning a variety of skills in outdoor activities such as geocaching, birding, archery, camping, kayaking, and more. DEC Forest Ranger Tim Kennedy gave a backpacking and fire safety demonstration at the event. The Polish Villa2 and Yogurt Shack food trucks were also a big hit! Special thanks go to the  youth & recreation departments of the Towns of Cheektowaga and Amherst for supporting this event. Thank you to all that volunteered and participated at this year’s event.

outdoor day - ranger presentation2
outdoor day - ranger presentation
outdoor day - nature play
outdoor day - kayaker
outdoor day - instagram
outdoor day - fish game
outdoor day - facepaint
outdoor day - fish game family
outdoor day - Geocaching
outdoor day - cheektowaga
outdoor day - chalk
outdoor day - boy in kayak
outdoor day - archery
outdoor day - ranger presentation3