Tag Archives: Earth Day Challenges

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


Americans waste about 25% of the food we purchase. The NYSDEC compiled some great tips on how to reduce your food waste. Learn more here.

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


Happy Arbor Day! Your neighborhood tree provides home for wildlife and maybe even some spring flowers right now- but it provides benefits far beyond that! Discover all the benefits your tree provides by clicking here.

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


Check out these tips on making eco-friendly choices for your cleaning products from the EPA:

Safer Choice Cleaning Products

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


How does going #outside inspire hope in you? On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, as we face an unprecedented global pandemic, going #outside helps many of us find solace. But the pandemic is also highlighting the inequities that limit who has access to fresh air, green space, and clean water.

This #EarthDay2020, share how you celebrate the natural world–and why we all deserve the opportunity to enjoy its benefits. Use #EarthDay2020 and #EarthDayNY and share your stories, photos and videos.

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


The Nature Conservancy says the “the average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average is closer to 4 tons.”
What’s your carbon footprint?

Here are a few online calculators to try:

The Nature Conservancy – Calculate your Carbon Footprint

EPA Carbon Footprint Calculator


Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


“The reality is, for all the ads and promises over the years, it’s estimated that no more than 10% of plastic has ever been recycled.” – PBS Frontline’s “Plastic Wars”
Pledge to reduce your use of plastic this year!

Earth Day Challenges – Sustainability at Home


According to the National Environmental Education Foundation “The average New York resident using 79 gallons per day in and around their home. If every New York resident reduced their shower duration by one minute, about 10 billion gallons of water would be saved every year—that’s enough water to fill more than 15,000 Olympic-sized pools!”
What’s your water footprint? Find out here.