Tag Archives: EAB

Emerald Ash Borer Workshop Helps Homeowners and Community Leaders

You’ve heard about local areas (like Reinstein Woods) where the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) has been detected, but do you know how to look for signs and symptoms of an EAB infestation in ash trees on your property or in your community?

If EAB has been detected in your community and you have ash trees, what action should you take? Planning is a key step for those with ash trees, whether a homeowner, woodlot owner, or municipality.

“EAB Biology and BioSurveilance Using Woodpeckering,” a workshop offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, will take place Saturday, March 22 from 9:45 am to noon at Reinstein Woods. Participants will learn about the issues surrounding EAB and the economics of addressing an infestation.

Come prepared to be outdoors for the last half hour of the workshop. Part 2 of the workshop will be held in June.

RSVP by March 19 to Sharon Bachman at 716-652-5400 x150 or sin2@cornell.edu.