Tag Archives: common grackles

Nature Sightings

The preserve has come alive with the beginning of spring. Migrants arrive as the ice recedes on the ponds. Hooded mergansers, buffleheads and other ducks are stopping in for a rest on their journey north. Great blue herons wade along the ice free shores while hunting. Common grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and brown-headed cowbirds have been sighted at bird feeders. Songs from American Robins, Northern cardinals and song sparrows fill the air, interrupted by the loud honking of Canada geese. Listen for the calls of spring peeper frogs to become more common. Warm, sunny afternoons provide perfect updrafts for kettles of turkey vultures. Soon coltsfoot will be blooming and garter snakes will leave their winter hibernacula. Also, look for wild turkey Toms to be displaying soon.

Hooded mergansers
Great Blue Heron