Tag Archives: committee

A Message from the President

Terrence Boyle in Squirrel Costume
Terrence Boyle

Spring and “springtime” bring to mind three R’s: rebirth, renewal and regrowth. There are also the three R’s of waste management: reduce, reuse, recycle….but let’s gets back to spring! The spring season is full of transformations. The temperature rises to a more bearable degree, and the trees once again bud into lush, green, picture-perfect plants. Aside from the weather’s transformation, Reinstein Woods also transforms as local nature lovers and area schools merge upon the woods to witness the amazing spring awakening. Just like Nature starting another season of new growth and beauty, people often want to try something a bit different from their usual activities.

If you’re at the point of shaking things up in a spring awakening, why not join a Friends committee? We have several active committees that are the lifeblood of our organization, including membership, finance, development, and events committees. Currently, our Events Committee could use a few more helpers. This committee meets bi-monthly to plan great events like Nature’s Gathering.  You can learn more and find meeting dates and contact info on our web page, or you can contact me at president@reinsteinwoods.org. If you aren’t up to joining a committee, we can always use members to help set up and work at Friends- sponsored events like Get Outdoors! Community Day.

In closing, I’m a firm believer in trying on “different hats.” You’ll never know how it fits if you don’t try it on!  In my years of volunteering at Reinstein Woods, I’ve worn many hats (most recently the squirrel hat in the photo) and none that I’ve regretted!

Enjoy and respect the outdoors and I hope to see you soon at Reinstein Woods.

-Terrence Boyle, President, Friends of Reinstein Woods