Tag Archives: canada geese

Nature Sightings at Reinstein Woods

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There is a lingering snowpack in the forests of Reinstein Woods, and the ponds remain completely iced over. Eastern chipmunks dig through the snow and find their way to our bird feeders. Male red-winged blackbirds return to marshes in the southern part of the turkey vulturepreserve. Their “conk-la-ree” calls carry while they set up their territories. The black-capped chickadees song changes to “fee-bee” as Canada geese honk loudly while waddling around on frozen ponds. Turkey vultures spiral north eagerly awaiting what’s uncovered as snow melts. American robins scout thawed grassy areas for worms and other invertebrates. Keep an eye out for frogs and salamanders which will be active soon. Soon the ponds will be filled with the spring peeper’s chorus.

 By Michael Adriaansen