Tag Archives: annual appeal

Spring donors help trees and more!

Friends of Reinstein Woods extends a huge thank you to all the folks who donated generously to the Spring It On campaign (raising funds to protect ash trees at Reinstein Woods) and to the Friends’ Annual Earth Day Appeal (which raises general operating funds). The two efforts have netted thousands of dollars in support for Reinstein Woods!

The annual appeal is continuing, so consider donating generously today.

Spring It On Donors: 

Gasper Aronica, Kathleen Boice, Meaghan Boice-Green, Terry Boyle, Cheryl Buechi, Dan Carlson, Gerry Casey, Rachel Chrostowski, Seaghan Coleman, Mary Ann Cortese, Margaret Diamond, Stefanie Ecker, Michael Gettings, Mary Gloss, Charles Kelly, Carolyn Kerr, Steven Kondrak, Tom & Sue Lawson, Mary Losi, Diane McMahon, Kelly Mayer, Gary & Maria Michalski, Barry Martin, Christina Michalczak, Dale & Carol Milsom, Charles Rauch, Kristen & Chuck Rosenburg, Dawn and Chuck Pustelnik, Brittany Rowan, Brigitte Schick, Lori Stilwell, Michelle Woznick, Ginger Wszalek

Annual Appeal Donors: 

Amos Acree, Therese Adriaansen, Valerie Antos, Linda Arndt, Irene Benbenek, Ann & Dennis Bischof, David & Kathy Boice, Meaghan Boice-Green, William Breslin, Peter and Cheryl Buechi, Michael Campanella, Helen Cyrulik, Ronald Dekanski, Alfred Dittenhauser, Dave Dziedzic, Stefanie Ecker, Jade Feeney, Mike & Carol Gettings, Don & Alice Gray, Marilyn Gross, Elaine Hansen, Judy Hendee, Anne Izydorczak, Dennis & Rebecca Kaniecki, Luke Kantor, David & Carolyn Karb, David Kennedy, Irene Konowka, Ed Kowalski, Dave & Alice LaGraves, Mary Losi, Lawrence & Amanda Megan, Donna Michael, S. David & Catherine Miller, Barbara Morrisey, Tom & Andrea Mudd Sr., Beth Munson, Dennis & Sandy Needham, Jim & Marcia Nixon, Albert & Sharon Oehler, Peter & Patricia O’Hara, Siri Paolino, Patricia Perry, Dave & Sandy Peruzzini, Bob & Shari Rembold, Paul & Joanne Rickard, Shirley Shannon, Scot & Karen Smith, Dorothy Socie, Gary Steils, Lori Stilwell, Tom Stoll, Sandra Szwarc, Paul & Sylvia Tokasz, Valori Victor, Dave & Karen Walkowiak

Annual Appeal Underway

Friends of Reinstein’s annual Earth Day Appeal is underway, and we would like to extend a huge thank you to all the community members who have donated to date. The funds help Friends of Reinstein continue to provide quality environmental education programs for students, teachers and the general public. Donations are still being accepted, so if you didn’t receive a letter in the mail, feel free to contact Reinstein Woods to request one.

Thank you to the following donors:

Karen Cool
Marlyn Gross
Tom & Andrea Mudd Sr.
Christine Whalley and Kelley Kobel
Ray & Tess Wolniewicz

Cottonwood Level ($25-$49):
Therese Adriaansen
Robin Bobowicz
Patricia Buettner
Gary Degener
Stefanie Ecker
Nancy Fernandez
Carl & Elise Fila
Don Gordon
Roger Gray
Barbara Guancial
K. Juzdowski
Dennis & Rebecca Kaniecki
Dolores Koenig
Irene Konowka
Dennis and Sandra Needham
Sandra Szwarc
Michael & Marcia Szmania
Mare Steiniger
Elaine Hansen
Stuart & Barb Rubin
John & Sally Zloty

White Ash Level ($50):
Maxine Barber
David & Kathy Boice
Michael Campanella
Peter & Teresa Corrigan
Danell DelPrince
Helen Erkkila-Kaukeano
Jade Feeney
Arthur Grupp
Alice LaGraves
Thomas & Sue Lawson
Richard & Nancy Lipka
Charles Rauch
Bob & Shari Rembold
Colette Roseboro
Brigitte Schick
Alan & Carol Lynn Winship

Yellow Birch Level ($75-$99):
Ernest & Mitzi Czapla
Alfred Dittenhauser
Michele Sanner
Michael & Kimberly Tonovitz

Black Walnut Level ($100):
Linda Arndt
Peter & Cheryl Buechi
Mike & Carol Gettings
Scott & Meaghan Green
David & Joyce Hodgson
David & Carolyn Karb
Kenneth Mazur
K. Michaels
Scott & Karen Smith
Thomas Stoll

Sugar Maple Level ($250):
Mary Losi
Paul and Sylvia Tokasz