Tag Archives: American goldfinch

Nature Sightings

Many visitors have come out to enjoy the first significant snowfall of the year. bird feeder2Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing has been great with 6 to 8 inches of snow. You can find out information about our snowshoe and ski rentals here.

Song birds have been flocking to our bird feeders with the colder temperatures and snowpack. Birds that can typically be seen from our nature viewing area are: Blue Jay, black-capped chickadee, dark-eyed junco, house finch, tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatch, American goldfinch, northern cardinal, mourning dove, tree sparrow, and various woodpeckers. A pileated woodpecker has also been known to visit the feeders bird feeder3occasionally. Gray squirrels are also common visitors under the feeders. Occasionally a meadow vole is seen quickly scurrying about gathering seeds.

The snow reveals a world that is normally invisible and can tell interesting stories. Deer trails become very obvious in the snow. In very light snow you can follow the tiny bounding prints of mice (with their tail drag marks) from log to log. Occasionally you may even see wing prints on the snow where a bird took flight.bird feeder