Tag Archives: 14 Days of Mindfulness

14 Days of Mindfulness

Stop and Listen

Stop and Listen

Sit in one spot and close your eyes. Listen to the sounds around you. What can you hear? Try to find the closest sound and the furthest sound.

14 Days of Mindfulness

14 days of mindfulness

Need help finding gratitude? Consider reflecting on the “Thanksgiving Address” of our Haudenosaunee neighbors.

“Ganö:nyök” in the Seneca language

Video by the Onondaga Historical Society

14 Days of Mindfulness

Relaxing Body Scan

Relaxing Body Scan

Focus on the sensations in your body. Starting at your toes, slowly move your way up tot your head, focusing on how each part of your body feels in this moment.

14 Days of Mindfulness

What brings you to this particular spot?

The “14 Days of Mindfulness” series is designed to be done anywhere near nature. From within the forest to a window looking out at a patch of blue sky. Take a few minutes each day to center yourself and connect to the natural world around you.

Mindfulness practice doesn’t need to be done in the forest. Find a reflection spot in the sun, near a tree, or even looking at a mossy patch in the sidewalk.