Tag Archives: 14 Days of Mindfulness

14 Days of Mindfulness

14 days of mindfulness

Give your full attention to the part of your body connecting you to the earth.
Feel the ground supporting you and connect to that feeling.

14 Days of Mindfulness

14 days of mindfulness

Lock your eyes forward and stretch your arms out in front of you.
Keeping your arms and eyes straight, slowly spread your arms apart until you reach the limits of your peripheral vision.
As you walk of sit, try to focus on your peripheral vision – what movement can you see in the edges?

14 days of Mindfulness – Leaf Examination

Find a leaf and examine it

Find a Leaf and Examine it

What do you notice?

What do you wonder?

What does it remind you of?

14 days of mindfulness – Fox Walk

Fox walk

Fox Walk

As you explore the trail, your backyard, or block, silence your footsteps.

Place the outside of the ball of your foot gently on the ground.

Roll your foot so the inside ball and outside have equal pressure.

Slowly lower your heel.

14 Days of Mindfulness – Four Directions

Four directions

Four Directions

Face One Direction and inhale and exhale deeply four times. What do you smell? What do you hear?

Rotate 90 degrees and repeat. What new sensations are you experiencing here?

Rotate 90 degrees and repeat. Check in with your full body.

Rotate 90 degrees and repeat. Invite any new sensations in.


14 Days of Mindfulness – Close Focus

Close Focus

Close Focus

Find something in nature close – within one foot of you, that cannot get away. Focus on this object for a full minute.

What did you notice?

Did your relationship with it change at all?

14 days of Mindfulness – Smells and Scents

14 days of mindfulness - smells and scents

Smells and Scents

What scents do you notice in this space?
Point your nose up and down.
Open your mouth and smell again – did anything change?

14 days of Mindfulness

14 days of mindfulness

When you leave this space, what thoughts/ feelings are you taking home with you and carrying with you tomorrow?

14 days of Mindfulness

What does this space remind you of?

What does this space remind you of?

What memories surface here?

14 Days of Mindfulness – Soft Focus

Soft Focus

Soft Focus

Find something moving in your vicinity to watch or observe for a full minute.

Rain hitting the ground, leaves blowing in the wind, a bird flying overhead…