News from the Friends of Reinstein

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Reinstein Woods Receives New Funding from County, Federal Sources

May 29, 2019

Thanks to Erie County Legislators Timothy Meyers and John Bruso, Friends of Reinstein Woods was one of several community organizations receiving funding as part of the 2019 Erie County budget. Friends of Reinstein Woods received $4,000 to purchase software to manage their volunteer, member and donor programs.

“Financial sustainability has emerged as the number one priority for our organization, and this software expands our capacity to forge a sustainable future,” said Friends of Reinstein Woods President Terrence Boyle. “We are grateful to Legislator Meyers and Legislator Bruso for their support.”

Friends of Reinstein also received a $66,834 grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to support the “Day in the Life of the Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed” program. This 15-month project combines classroom learning with hands-on field experiences to connect 6th-12th grade students with their local watershed. Reinstein Woods, in partnership with Buffalo Audubon Society and SUNY Fredonia, will engage 480 students and 24 teachers from local underserved school districts in studying and caring for Canadaway Creek, the Buffalo River and the Niagara River. The program gets underway with teacher trainings this summer. Look for updates on the program’s progress in future newsletters.

2 students testing water
Students testing water quality in the Buffalo River

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