School Programs

School Programs

Connect Kids Reimbursement Grants:

New York State’s “Connect Kids to Parks” program provides educational and recreational opportunities for schoolchildren on public lands in every corner of the state. Eligible Organizations include: public schools; county, city, town or village youth bureaus; BOCES programs; and select not-for-profits. The Connect Kids Transportation Reimbursement Grants reimburse transportation for field trips to Reinstein Woods. Prior to applying, you must confirm your field trip details with Reinstein Woods. You can read about the program here.

Fill out a Request Form to schedule a school field trip, in-school program or virtual presentation.

Reservations for the 2024-25 school year will be accepted starting August 1, 2024.


 Reinstein Woods staff and trained volunteers will lead your students on an outdoor exploration of nature. These standards-based lessons are taught outdoors, last about 1 ½ hours, and are offered year-round (unless otherwise noted). Please plan on a two-hour time frame for your visit to Reinstein Woods to allow time for arrival, dividing into groups and using the restrooms. For guided outdoor lessons, May, June, and October are our busiest months; call early to reserve your preferred dates. You will receive pre-visit information to share with students.

The maximum size allowed is 15 students for each Reinstein Woods instructor, and a maximum of 90 people per lesson per day (subject to change with COVID guidelines). Larger groups may be divided over multiple days. The fee is $5 per child and chaperones are free.

Fill out this Request Form to schedule a school field trip .


 Grades PreK – 1 Introduce your young students to the natural world through their senses. The lesson provides a close-up look at nature, emphasizing the development of observation skills and wonder at the mysteries in the outdoors. The hands-on, inquiry-based activities help young children to feel comfortable in the outdoors and to appreciate our environment. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1


Grades 2 – 8 An introduction to some New York State wildlife and their habitats. Students practice observation skills as they search for “clues”- footprints, gnawed trees, and holes- that animals have left and will use these clues to learn about animals’ needs, life processes and interrelationships. Hands-on, inquiry-based activities and natural objects such as animal pelts and feathers will illustrate wildlife adaptations. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS2, LS4


 Grades 3 – 8 Students will explore the rich and diverse ecosystem of the pond. After examining the physical characteristics of the pond, students will collect aquatic organisms and observe them closely. The students can then identify these inhabitants of this miniature world and develop explanations about their interconnectedness. Offered May-June and September- October only. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS2, LS4 

Forest Ecosystems  

Grades 6-12 Students investigate human impact on forest ecosystems and the habitat and wildlife management issues affecting the ecosystems in the woods today, including threats from climate change and invasive species. Students will discover related science career opportunities and collect citizen science data. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS2, LS4 , ESS3


Grades 2 – 12 Students will discover how wildlife survive the cold challenges of the winter season by taking a guided walk on snowshoes to search for animal homes, tracks, and other signs. Snowshoe rental is included if there is enough snow. Please plan on a 2.5 hour time frame for this trip Offered December- March only, weather permitting. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS4 

Transportation Grant Opportunities

Pat Taeger Fund:
Reinstein Woods volunteer Patricia Taeger was a teacher aide for Cheektowaga Central Schools who enjoyed working with students in special education. The Pat Taeger Field Trip Fund provides transportation grants of up to $250 to bring students in special education or alternative education programs to Reinstein Woods for field trips. The field trip fees normally requested by Reinstein Woods are waived for any group receiving a transportation grant. For more information visit the Pat Taeger Field Trip Fund.


Schools must provide a minimum of two adult chaperones (and maximum of four adults) for each group of students. Chaperones must be prepared to participate fully in all activities and to assist the instructor with some tasks when requested to do so. Chaperones are also responsible for the discipline of the group.


Students and chaperones must be prepared to encounter weather! Watch the weather forecasts before your tour date and encourage parents and students to do the same. Please make every effort to see that students are prepared for any possible weather conditions. We reserve the right to refuse to take any student outdoors who is not appropriately dressed for the weather.


If you must cancel your scheduled lesson for any reason, please contact us at 716-683-5959 at least one hour before the designated time. We reserve the right to cancel a tour in unsafe conditions (e.g. thunderstorms, high winds, extreme cold). If the weather is questionable, please call us to check the weather conditions at Reinstein Woods and to discuss alternate arrangements (i.e. indoor programs) before departing from your school.

Lunch Facilities

Full service bathrooms are available on site. Small groups may use the pavilion or classroom (if available) for lunch upon request. Picnic pavilions for large groups and restrooms are available at neighboring Stiglmeier Park (Town of Cheektowaga) on Losson Road. Contact the Cheektowaga Parks Department at 716-656-2280 for more information.

In-school Programs

Reinstein Woods staff will bring nature to your classroom in these exciting standards-based educational programs, which last about 45 minutes. (See the In-school Programs: Teacher Resources page for lesson plan overviews, correlations to NYS learning standards and post-visit activities.) We request a maximum of 25 students per session. Programs may be modified for age groups other than those listed; please call for more information. There is a requested donation of $50.00 per in-school program session. Groups with financial limitations may request a fee waiver; contact Reinstein Woods for more details.

Fill out this Request Form to schedule an in-school program.


Grades PreK – 3 Students will learn about animal tracks, traces, and adaptations through interactive activities. Older students will discover how humans have studied the structure and function of animal feet to design solutions to problems.  *Supports NYSSLS:  LS1, LS4, ETS1


Grades 4 – 8 Students will practice observation skills as they examine evidence left by insects, birds and mammals and interpret these “clues” to learn about the lifestyles of local wildlife. *Supports NYSSLS:   LS1, LS2


Grades PreK – 3 Through hands-on and whole-body activities, students take an in-depth look at the adaptations of New York’s frogs. An ideal program to supplement raising frogs in the classroom. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS4, ESS3


Grades PreK – 8 Students will learn how red wiggler worms help cycle matter and energy by converting food scraps into compost. This presentation will include other creatures living in   compost bins, how to make a compost bin and what foods you can feed your worms. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS2, ESS3


Grades 4 – 8 Using skulls from New York State wildlife, students will explore the structure and function of skulls and how these adaptations help species survive in their environment. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS3, LS4



Grades K – 8 Students will learn about the three “R’s”, explore the impact of garbage on the environment, and find out ways to reduce, reuse and recycle at home and school. The program will highlight scientists, engineers, and

other professionals that contribute to waste management. *Supports NYSSLS: ESS3, ESTS1


Grades PreK – 8 Students will learn what a watershed is, ways water can become polluted and ways to help protect our water resources, using hands-on activities or a 3-D watershed model. *Supports NYSSLS: ESS2, ESS3


Virtual Programs

Reinstein Woods staff will bring nature to your classroom remotely! We can present on Zoom or whatever platform your school requires. Some programs offer pre-recorded videos that can be supplemented with a live session. Teachers will receive additional materials to extend learning beyond the initial session. Programs may be modified for age groups other than those listed. For more information please email or call (716) 683-5959 and leave a message.

Fill out this Request Form to schedule a virtual presentation.

Animal Investigations

Grades PreK – 2  In this live online inquiry-based presentation, students practice observation skills as they examine evidence left by insects, birds and mammals and interpret these “clues” to learn how animals process information, survive, grow, and meet their needs. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1

Climate Change in the Great Lakes

Grades 6 – 12 In this live presentation, students explore climate change as a local environmental justice issue. Students learn how the analysis and interpretation of geoscience data, paired with climate models, help scientists understand the impact of human activities on the climate of Western New York. Students also discuss regional solutions, including advancements in engineering and technology and community action. *Supports NYSSLS: LS4, ESS3

Fantastic Frogs

Grades PreK – 3  Through hands-on and whole-body activities, students take an in-depth look at the growth and development of frogs and the adaptations of traits that help frogs survive in a particular environment. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS4, ESS3


Meet Your Neighbors: Habitats of Western New York

Grades K – 5  Through pre-recorded videos, students explore the diversity of local habitats and “meet” their natural neighborhoods. Students observe of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats. Students are encouraged to make observations and submit questions in order to get information or clarify something that is not understood. These questions can be answered in a live session. *Supports NYSSLS: LS4, PS2

Schoolyard Habitats

Grades 2 – 5 In this live session, students discover the diversity of wildlife living in local schoolyards and how these animals meet their needs in this habitat. Students practice observation skills as they examine evidence left by insects, birds and mammals that may be found in the schoolyard. Teachers are encouraged to use provided activities to guide students in an evaluation of the schoolyard habitat to determine if the space meets the needs of a local animal. *Supports NYSSLS: LS1, LS4



Grades 3 – 8 In this live session, students explore the cycles of matter and energy transfer in the pond ecosystem and the interdependence between pond inhabitants. The high-quality footage of local animals allows students to observe aquatic organisms while learning their unique and diverse life cycles. Offered May-June and September- October only. *Supports NYSSLS:  LS1, LS2, LS4

To Schedule a Program:

To schedule a program, fill out the online request form.  After your program is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation letter and invoice by e-mail.

There is a requested donation of $50.00 per session. Groups with financial limitations may request a fee waiver; contact Reinstein Woods for more details. Payments are preferred by check (payable to “Friends of Reinstein Woods”) or credit card; cash is also accepted. Friends of Reinstein Woods is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization which supports education programs at Reinstein Woods.