Volunteer at Reinstein Woods



Volunteers are critical to Reinstein Woods, doing everything from maintaining trails to greeting visitors at the Education Center. You don’t have to be a trained naturalist to help, a love of nature is all that is needed! Friends of Reinstein Woods is proud to collaborate with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation to provide these services.


Greeter: Host the front desk and help to answer phones and visitor questions in the Education Center. Duties may include copying and folding or helping with basic office needs. Training will be provided. Weekdays and Saturdays during business hours. 

Nature Guide: Lead tours for the general public, adult organizations, school-age children, or youth groups. Volunteers receive training in nature interpretation, and additional optional trainings are provided annually. Weekdays and weekends. 

Trail Steward: Help with trail maintenance, trash clean up, invasive species removal, maintaining compost bins, weeding herb or flower gardens. Opportunities include Trail Thursdays on Thursdays from 6 – 8pm (May to September), Phragmites Strike Team (May to September — the last Tuesday of the month 6 – 8pm), and other workdays. Once trained, Phragmites Strike Team members can work on removing plants on their own time. 

Special Event Volunteer: Assist with one-day events such as the Fall Festival, Get Outdoors Day, and Friends of Reinstein Woods’ fundraisers. Can include set up, clean up, parking, activity, food sales, etc. Usually on Saturdays. 

Outreach Event Volunteer: Attend events at local fairs and festivals to provide information to increase public awareness and support of Reinstein Woods. Weekday evenings and weekends. 

Program Assistant: Help staff with public programs, ski and snowshoe rentals, Day in the Life of Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed. Weekdays and weekends. 

Community Science Volunteer: Collect data for projects such as Project FeederWatch at Reinstein Woods. Thursday and Fridays during business hours

Event Photographer: Provide quality photos during special events and public programs throughout the year, preferably experienced photographers who are comfortable with public interaction. Usually on Saturdays. 

Friends of Reinstein Woods Committee(s): Join our Development Committee, Membership Committee, Finance Committee or Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee. These committees assist the board of directors in raising funds and promoting Reinstein Woods. Committees generally meet on a bimonthly basis on weekday evenings.  

If you are interested in helping in any of these ways, email: volunteer@reinsteinwoods.org or call (716) 683-5959.



If you would like to come to Reinstein Woods as a group and complete a service project, please fill out the form below.