News from the Friends of Reinstein


Outdoors Day Fun!

June 26, 2019

About 540 people enjoyed exploring new outdoor skills at Get Outdoors! Community Day on June 8 at Reinstein Woods. Thank you to the Towns of Amherst and Cheektowaga Youth & Recreation Departments, New York State Parks Interpretive Office, Niagara Frontier Search & Rescue Team, DEC Forest Ranger Kennedy, and all our volunteers for making a … Continue reading Outdoors Day Fun!

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Looking Back: A Lifelong Love for Nature

May 29, 2019

Luann Romanelli Ream stopped by Reinstein Woods to remember her late husband, Fred Ream, and share some history of the Woods. Fred passed away this March but spent many of his days at Reinstein Woods, even before it was officially a nature preserve. Fred’s family rented a house in Bellevue, next door to Dr. Victor … Continue reading Looking Back: A Lifelong Love for Nature

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Reinstein Woods Receives New Funding from County, Federal Sources

Thanks to Erie County Legislators Timothy Meyers and John Bruso, Friends of Reinstein Woods was one of several community organizations receiving funding as part of the 2019 Erie County budget. Friends of Reinstein Woods received $4,000 to purchase software to manage their volunteer, member and donor programs. “Financial sustainability has emerged as the number one … Continue reading Reinstein Woods Receives New Funding from County, Federal Sources

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Program Spotlight: Campership Program

The Reinstein Woods campership program is such an exciting opportunity for students to learn about the environment and explore outdoor activities. The program connects middle and high school students who may have limited access to nature with outdoor opportunities and a week at DEC’s environmental education camp, Camp Rushford. Michael Adriaansen, a NYS DEC Environmental … Continue reading Program Spotlight: Campership Program

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Nature Sightings – May 2019

May 24, 2019

Sightings of indigo buntings and scarlet tanagers bring bright colors to the lush green spring palette. Baltimore orioles are regular visitors to our jelly feeder. Some orioles are in the process of building their hanging nest. Ruby–throated hummingbirds are engaged in their courtship displays. The male hummingbird will dive towards the female in a “U-shape” … Continue reading Nature Sightings – May 2019

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Nature Sightings

March 25, 2019

The preserve has come alive with the beginning of spring. Migrants arrive as the ice recedes on the ponds. Hooded mergansers, buffleheads and other ducks are stopping in for a rest on their journey north. Great blue herons wade along the ice free shores while hunting. Common grackles, red-winged blackbirds, and brown-headed cowbirds have been … Continue reading Nature Sightings

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Family Fun at the 2019 Christmas Bird Count for Kids

January 17, 2019

There were six teams of participants for this years’ Christmas Bird Count for Kids, which was held on Saturday, January 5. This program is modeled after Audubon’s Christmas Bird Count, which is a census of birds by volunteer birdwatchers. Before heading out on the trail, families learned how to use binoculars and how to identify … Continue reading Family Fun at the 2019 Christmas Bird Count for Kids

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Members Enjoy Messinger Woods’ Birds of Prey Presentation at Holiday Party

December 12, 2018

Friends of Reinstein members celebrated the holiday season while enjoying homemade chili, soups, desserts and more. Members also enjoyed a special “Birds of Prey” presentation by Messinger Woods. The wildlife care center brought a great – horned owl, barn owl, barred owl, American kestrel, peregrine falcon, and Harris’s hawk. The group of 6 volunteers shared … Continue reading Members Enjoy Messinger Woods’ Birds of Prey Presentation at Holiday Party

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Job Opening: Summer Camp Director 2019

November 30, 2018

Friends of Reinstein Woods is hiring a Summer Day Camp Director for Kids in the Woods summer day camp. Applications are due by December 19, 2018. You can view the full job announcement here.

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The Secret Language of Flowers Revealed at Annual Membership Meeting

October 19, 2018

Members of the Friends of Reinstein Woods enjoyed appetizers and desserts Tuesday night before the Annual Membership Meeting. Board members highlighted the years’ accomplishments of the Friends of Reinstein Woods. We welcomed new board members: Patrick Ryan, Amanda Lippes, and Andy Moon. We also recognized valued members that are leaving the board: Dan Carlson, Lori … Continue reading The Secret Language of Flowers Revealed at Annual Membership Meeting

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