For Educators

Educator Workshops


The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, in partnership with Friends of Reinstein Woods, offers a variety of professional development opportunities for teachers. These 3-hour to 6-hour workshops are designed to help educators incorporate environmental education into their existing curriculum. Workshops also can be done at an individual school upon request. In addition to the workshops below, you can also check DEC’s Upcoming Educator Workshops schedule for workshops at Reinstein Woods and other locations. For more information about educator workshops, contact Reinstein Woods at 716-683-5959.

Reinstein Woods sends out quarterly emails announcing upcoming workshops and other opportunities for teachers. To request that you be added to the list, send an email to: (We recommend using a personal email address since many school districts block bulk emails).

We also have multiple activity bins for educators to borrow. Find out more on our Educator Resources page


2024 Summer Teacher Institute: Environmental Experiences for Place-Based Educators

August 6 - 8, 2024

9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Join us for three days of “I always wanted to do that!” experiences, including:

  • Recycling facility tour
  • Commercial composting tour with BFLO Worm Works
  • UB Solar Strand and sustainable GRoW Home tour
  • And more!
This Institute is designed to give educators of all ages and disciplines hands-on experiences and community connections to:
  • Increase personal knowledge of local environmental issues and initiatives
  • Explore place-based learning opportunities for students
  • Acquire funding for field trips
  • Connect your Institute experiences with classroom activities
  • Transform your student field trips into meaningful experiences
      18 CTLE Hours provided
      Cost: $50


Please visit past institutes to view resources: Please visit Schoolyard Institute Resources to view some of 2014’s Institute resources.