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Nature Sightings – May 2019

May 24, 2019
Indigo bunting perched on tree branch
Indigo Bunting

Sightings of indigo buntings and scarlet tanagers bring bright colors to the lush green spring palette. Baltimore orioles are regular visitors to our jelly feeder. Some orioles are in the process of building their hanging nest. Ruby–throated hummingbirds are engaged in their courtship displays. The male hummingbird will dive towards the female in a “U-shape” motion over and over. The sound is very obvious during this maneuver. May apples are flowering. The Hawthorne trees in the understory are exploding with bright white blossoms. Jack-in-the pulpit and doll’s eyes seem to be more abundant than ever on the trails, particularly beech tree trail. A pair of Canada geese lead their young goslings along the shore of mallard meadow. Eastern forktail damselflies perch in delicate grasses along the pond shores avoiding patrolling green darner dragonflies. The sounds of Bull frogs’ deep calls can be heard especially around lily loop. A Caspian tern periodically circles above Flattail Lake and dives for fish. Largemouth bass fan their nests along the shore. Look for Dame’s rocket to be blooming soon with tiger swallowtail butterflies visiting the blossoms.

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