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Nature Sightings

April 15, 2016



Painted turtles are basking on floating logs with the return of warm weather. Leopard frog’s snore-like call can be heard along some of the ponds. Two common loons have been on flattail lake for almost a week now. One of them continues to swim around the center of the lake. The leaves of the fragrant water lily make their way to the surface of the ponds. The tender leaves of wild leak are bursting through the loonfallen leaves on the forest floor. Trout lily leaves are also beginning to appear. Garter snakes are abundant along the sunny trail edges. Listen for them rustle through the dry papery leaves. An occasional dekay’s brown snake can also be seen. Canada geese are now quietly sitting on their nest with a patrolling male close by. It would not be surprising to hear the trills of American toads in the small ponds of Reinstein Woods this weekend. I would also keep an eye out for ruby-crowned kinglets returning north.painted turtles

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