Tag Archives: nine-spotted ladybug
A Loveliness of Ladybugs Returns to Reinstein Woods
A group of ladybugs is called a “loveliness” of ladybugs, a very fitting and endearing term to address the return of this beneficial insect to Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve.

New York State’s official state insect is the nine-spotted ladybug (Coccinella novemnotata). This now rare species of native ladybug was historically very common in New York State. Shortly after being named New York’s state insect, entomologists became aware that numbers were sharply declining. For 20 years they went unrecorded in New York. Reinstein Woods Naturalist Intern Leah Tyrrell has been working with ladybugs for the past nine years with the Lost Ladybug Project, a citizen science program that uses volunteers to look for rare ladybugs and to educate people about their roll in our ecosystems. She is coordinating the reintroduction at Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve as her intern project.
Reinstein Woods summer day campers participated in the release and learned about the importance of this beneficial insect to the preserve’s ecosystem. The public can also participate in the reintroduction by ordering their own larvae for release from Lost Ladybug Rescue.
Be sure to look for nine-spotted ladybugs on your next visit to Reinstein Woods! To learn more about how to identify and photograph these beauties, visit the Lost Ladybug Project website.