Trail Survey

Trail Survey

Trail Survey

Thank you for participating in this survey for Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve! Your feedback will help to make sure we’re meeting the needs of many different kinds of people. Your answers will be anonymous.

What is the main reason you are visiting today? (Select up to 3)
How often do you visit Reinstein Woods? Check all that apply.
Did you visit the History Trail today?


We have a few important demographic questions for you, which will be kept completely anonymous. Your responses are crucial to our understanding of the kinds of communities we’re currently serving, and those we could be serving better.
Which describes you? Check all that apply.
When you visit Reinstein Woods, are there accommodations we could provide to make the experience more accessible to you or someone in your party?
What is your age?
What age groups are represented in your party? Check all that apply.
In Erie County the median household income is $55,673/year. Is your household over/ under the average?
What is your gender?
Would you describe yourself as transgender?