Outdoor Field Experiences

“Day in the Life” Outdoor Field Experiences

Day in the Life of the Niagara River/Lake Erie WatershedThis could be your classroom

For 5th-12th grade students

 Reinstein Woods organizes the annual Day in the Life of the Niagara River/Lake Erie Watershed. Participating educators select a Water Research Team of up to 30 students to collect water quality data at a waterbody within the watershed. Educators can learn more about the event in the  Day in the Life Educator Guide.

Educators must have participated in the program in the past or be registered for a training workshop to apply for this program.

Educators who are accepted into the program will receive a site assignment by June 10, 2020.

Lead Your Own Field Study!

For 5th-12th grade studentsthis could be your science class

Educators can borrow the Watershed STEM equipment bin to lead a field study at a local waterbody or to analyze water quality in their schoolyard. Educators must have participated in the Day in the Life program in the past or complete a training workshop to request the bin.

Watershed STEM Bin Request

watershed stem activities